Antonio Rios Bustamante Part 1

So, this blog is proving to be a little more complicated than I thought it would be. How difficult can it be to find a correlation between the journalistic and academic ties to U.S.-Mexico border studies?

Kinda difficult.

However, all of the information and ties are out there, I just have to keep my eyes and ears open- and research some more!… So this week I came across a former University of Arizona professor of Mexican American history. Antonio Rios Bustamante recently returned to Tucson. He taught at UA from 1989- 2000. From 2000- 2004, he spearheaded the new Chicano studies program at The University of Wyoming

Bustmante and his wife Yolanda invited me to their home where we were able to discuss his extensive work and research in Mexican American studies.

“I worked on historical geography, Chicano museums, I made two documentary films…” explains Bustamante.

His films include Latino Hollywood and Mexican Los Angeles. What caught my attention was his interest in cartography of the borderlands. He told me that his work included researching the Southwestern United States from the indigenous to the Hispanic period. He wanted to publish an atlas but it never came to fruition. Here is an excellent example of some his work about maps and the borderlands.

Although his atlas never came to be, he developed even more work on an overall description of Mexican American history. Bustamante says that somewhere at the UA there must be some 50 to 100 maps he was working on and researching. That will have to be a scavenger hunt for another blog. Until then, these are some of the books he has written and edited.

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One response to “Antonio Rios Bustamante Part 1

  1. Sylvana Avila Alonzo

    It is very comforting to know that there are students as yourself blogging about the borderlands and chicanismo. I am currently a student at UTDallas and writing a term paper on Aztlan and Chicano Literature. Thank you for your insight and informative blog.

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